Hey class act!
Are you craving you nico-fix, but worried that cigarettes are losing their cool?
Do you love to chew, but are sick of having to hide your blackened saliva in empty Coke cans and potted plants?
Well now you can buy a product that will discreetly infuse nicotine into your bloodstream while flavoring your spit at the same time!
-One can definitely understand the need for a product that makes the act of feeding a nicotine addiction more secretive and less smelly and gross. However, this product is nothing more than flavored spit. Fucking tacky. Smokers will just stick to smoking.
Filthy, no doubt. But I've seen the ravaged bloodshot eyes of nicotine starved waiters on the grave shift enough to know that there is a niche market for flavored spit. It beats the tar (pun intended, thank you) out of constricting blood vessels or, worse, income-loss. In these tough times blaaahblaahblahh