
How not to make a zine. Chapter Two

Why didn't we start a blog a year ago?

Finally, the next issue of TalkHard is on the way. The articles are written, the cover is done, and we are laying out the issue as we speak. The latest issue should be kicking Austin in the face early March. I'll let you all know as soon as it comes out. It will be found at the usual places. Also, we are going to have a live reading of this issue, so if any of you out there in TV land want to participate, just let us know.


As soon as I learn more about how to lay out blogs, I will be uploading the old issues in their entirety for our readers to enjoy! More on this tomorrow, as I am going to bed soon.

Here is a sneak peak at the cover:

Rad, huh? Our buddy Trick designed it. Check out his website, tricktricky. Its in the links to the right.

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